• Clonal Deletion Using Total Lymphoid Irradiation with no Maintenance Immunosuppression in Renal Allograft Recipients.

Clonal Deletion Using Total Lymphoid Irradiation with no Maintenance Immunosuppression in Renal Allograft Recipients.


Trivedi HL, Kaneku H, Terasaki PI, Feroz A, Vanikar AV, Trivedi VB, Khemchandani SI, Dave SD, Modi PR, Jahr F, Idica A, Everly MJ.

Clinical Transplants 2009, Chapter 22


A total of 69 individuals received a kidney from a living donor after a TLI-based clonal deletion protocol with no post-transplant maintenance immunosuppression planned. If needed, immunosuppression was started on a patient-specific basis, adding one drug at a time, a strategy we AWN\. call \"Drugs Added When Needed     

Clonal Deletion Using Total Lymphoid Irradiation with no Maintenance Immunosuppression in Renal Allograft Recipients.

  • Product Code: CT09_CH22
  • Availability: In Stock
  • $5.00