• Complications in Transplantation Medication Nonadherence


CH : 27 Tiffany E. Kaiser and Rita R. Alloway


Following solid organ transplant, complex, lifelong medication regimens are required to prevent allograft rejection. Estimates of medication nonadherence in transplant recipients vary and may be as high as 70%. Poor medication adherence post transplant has been recognized as a contributing factor to reduced outcomes, including rejection, graft loss, and survival. Despite the numerous identified approaches for adherence assessment, there remains no gold standard. Ongoing efforts to identify optimal immunosuppressant adherence monitoring and measuring tools in an attempt to identify at risk populations post transplantation continue; however, the link between this information and outcomes remains to be

discovered. Future adherence studies within the transplant population should focus on developing surrogate markers of immunosuppressant therapy adequacy and exploring the association amongst this data, adherence interventions, and outcomes so that optimal strategies may be identified. Immunosuppressant adherence should not be assumed, and interventions aimed a priori will provide opportunities to derail the movement of negative health outcomes resulting from preventable causes.

Complications in Transplantation Medication Nonadherence

  • Product Code: CT15_Ch27
  • Availability: In Stock
  • $0.00

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