
Terasaki Innovation Summit 2025

Innovation Awards 2025

The Paul Terasaki Innovation Award honors individuals who have not only made outstanding and sustained contributions to the biomedical scientific and engineering community but have also shown exemplary efforts to transform their inventions to real-world solutions. They also have shown considerable leadership within their field of interest and are actively serving in associated Societies. Special consideration will be given to candidates that in other words, these candidates have exhibited a record of accomplishment in high-impact innovations translated successfully. After applications are thoroughly reviewed and evaluated by the Terasaki Scientific Advisory Board, recommended individuals will be presented to the Board of Directors for confirmation.

The Hisako Terasaki Young Innovator Award is intended to identify individuals who, early in their career, have contributed significantly to the field of biomedical science and show substantial promise of continued meritorious academic accomplishments in the field and of translating potentially high-impact innovations. This award is aimed to acknowledge novel breakthrough biomedical technologies as well as the potential for devices that are significant improvements over state-of-the-art technologies.

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