Dr. Qiang Huang is an Assistant Professor at TIBI, holding an MD/PhD degree. Originally from China, he joined TIBI in the previous year. Dr. Huang obtained his M.D. and Ph.D. from Xi'an Jiaotong University in China and subsequently worked as a postdoctoral fellow at the Department of Biomedical Engineering, Duke University. His research is centered around developmental biology, with a primary goal of developing innovative technologies to propel the field of regenerative medicine forward.
Organoids derived from adult tissue stem cells or induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) offer a three-dimensional (3D) representation of the in vivo microenvironment, making them a valuable tool for in vitro studies. These organoids provide a physiologically relevant system that can recapitulate the complexities of tissues and organs. They have found extensive applications in studying diseases, developmental processes, and evaluating drug efficacy. My research is primarily focused on leveraging organoid-based technologies to advance cancer and organ transplantation, as well as developing novel imaging techniques to study diseases.
Although animals and in vitro cultures have been used for studying human development, regeneration, and diseases, mouse chimeras provide unique humanized models via growth of human-derived tissue in vivo. One of my current projects at TIBI involves creating new human-mouse chimeras using human organoids derived from human-induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs). These chimeras have the potential to serve as scaffolds for growing transplantable organs, thus potentially solving the current shortage of human organs available for transplantation. By pioneering these innovative techniques, my team and I aspire to make a significant contribution to the field of regenerative medicine and help usher in a brighter future for organ transplantation.
Another project I'm working on involves the use of transgenic mice to investigate how different types of cells contribute to the emergent properties of organisms. Through this research, we aim to unravel the mysteries of organism development and contribute to a deeper understanding of the underlying mechanisms governing cellular behavior.
Aliesha Danielle O'Raw - Postdoctoral Researcher
Bin Yang – Intern
Hao Zhang – Intern
Heng Guo – Intern
Michelle Chen – Intern
Sam Forster – Intern
Sunny Cai – Intern
Qiong Gao – Intern
Xin Ge - Postdoctoral Researcher
For more information about our research, to discuss potential collaborations, or to inquire about joining our team, please reach out to us at qiang.huang@terasaki.org.
1. Zhu X, Huang Q, Jiang L, Nguyen V, Vu T, Devlin G, Shaima J, Wang X, Chen Y, Ma L, Xiang K, Wang E, Rong Q, Zhou Q, Kang Y, Asokan A, Feng L, Hsu S, Shen X, Yao J. Longitudinal Intravital Photoacoustic Imaging of Mouse Placenta Development. Science Advances, 2024, 10(12): eadk1278.
2. Yang K, Zhao X, Wei W, Lin CX, Sun L, Wei Z, Huang Q, Ge X, Zrínyi M, Chen YM. A novel injectable and self-biodegradable poly (aspartic acid) hydrogel. Materials & Design. 2023, 226: 111662.
3. Bose S, Yao H, Huang Q, Whitaker R, Kontos CD, Previs RA, Shen X. Using genetically encoded fluorescent biosensors to interrogate ovarian cancer metabolism. Journal of Ovarian Research. 2022, 15(1):1-12.
4. Bose S, Huang Q, Ma Y, Wang L, Rivera GO, Ouyang Y, Whitaker R, Gibson RA, Kontos CD, Berchuck A, Previs R, Shen X. G6PD Inhibition Sensitizes Ovarian Cancer Cells to Oxidative Stress in the Metastatic Omental Microenvironment. Cell Reports. 2022, 39(13):111012.
5. Wu Y, Wong CW, Chiles EN, Mellinger AL, Bae H, Jung S, Peterson T, Wang J, Negrete M, Huang Q, Wang L, Jang C, Muddiman CD, Su X, Williamson I, Shen X. Glycerate from intestinal fructose metabolism induces islet cell damage and glucose intolerance. Cell Metabolism. 2022, S1550-4131(22)00189-9.
6. Zhu X, Huang Q, DiSpirito A, Vu T, Rong Q, Peng X, Sheng H, Shen X, Zhou Q, Jiang L, Hoffmann U, Yao J. Real-time whole-brain imaging of hemodynamics and oxygenation at micro-vessel resolution with ultrafast wide-field photoacoustic microscopy. Light: Science & applications. 2022, 11(1): 1-15.
7. Li M, Beaumont N, Ma C, Rojas J, Vu T, Harlacher M, O’Connell G, C Gessner R, Kilian H, Kasatkina L, Chen Y, Huang Q, Shen X, F Lovell J, V Verkhusha V, Czernuszewicz T, Yao J. Three-dimensional Deep-tissue Functional and Molecular Imaging by Integrated Photoacoustic, Ultrasound, and Angiographic Tomography (PAUSAT). IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 2022, doi: 10.1109/TMI.2022.3168859.
8. Zhang J, Liu L, Chen Y, Zhu M, Tang L, Tang C, Shintake J, Zhao J, He J, Ren X, Li P, Huang Q, Zhao H, Lu J, Li D. Fiber-reinforced soft polymeric manipulator with smart motion scaling and stiffness tunability. Cell Reports Physical Science, 2021, 20;2(10):100600.
9. Wang L, Wang E, Prado Balcazar J, Wu Z, Xiang K, Wang Y, Huang Q, Negrete M, Chen KY, Li W, Fu Y, Dohlman A, Mines R, Zhang L, Kobayashi Y, Chen T, Shi G, Shen JP, Kopetz S, Tata PR, Moreno V, Gersbach C, Crawford G, Hsu D, Huang E, Bu P, Shen X. Chromatin Remodeling of Colorectal Cancer Liver Metastasis is Mediated by an HGF-PU.1-DPP4 Axis. Adv Sci (Weinh), 2021: e2004673.
10. Huang Q*, Garrett A*, Bose S*, Blocker S, Rios AC, Hans Clevers H, Shen X#. The Frontier of Live Tissue Imaging across Space and Time. Cell Stem Cell, 2021, 28(4):603-622.
11. Huang Q*#, Cohen MA*, Alsina FC, Devlin G, Garrett A, McKey J, Havlik P, Rakhilin N, Wang E, Xiang K, Mathews P, Wang L, Bock C, Ruthig V, Wang Y, Negrete M, Wong CW, Murthy PKL, Zhang S, Daniel AR, Kirsch DG, Kang Y, Capel B, Asokan A, Silver DL, Jaenisch R#, Shen X#. Intravital Imaging of Mouse Embryos. Science, 2020, 368(6487):181-6.
12. Zhang H, Yu QL, Meng L, Huang H, Liu H, Zhang N, Liu N, Yang J, Zhang YZ#, Huang Q#. TAZ-regulated expression of IL-8 is involved in chemoresistance of hepatocellular carcinoma cells. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics, 2020, 693:108571. (Corresponding author)
13. Zhao Y, Ge X, Yu H, Kuil LE, Alves MM, Tian D, Huang Q, Chen X, Hofstra RMW, Gao Y. Inhibition of ROCK signaling pathway accelerates enteric neural crest cell-based therapy after transplantation in a rat hypoganglionic model. Neurogastroenterol Motil. 2020 ;32(9):e13895.
14. Rakhilin N, Garrett A, Eom CY, Chavez KR, Small DM, Daniel AR, Kaelberer MM, Mejooli MA, Huang Q, Ding S, Kirsch DG, Bohórquez DV, Nishimura N, Barth BB, Shen X. An intravital window to image the colon in real time. Nature communications, 2019,10(1), 5647.
15. Ma B, Kong C, Hu X, Liu K, Huang Q, Lv J, Lu W, Zhang X, Yang Z, Yang S. A sensitive electrochemical nonenzymatic biosensor for the detection of H2O2 released from living cells based on ultrathin concave Ag nanosheets. Biosensors & bioelectronics, 2018, 106: 29–36.
16. Ge X, Hu CY, Guo QQ, Li W, Zhao YY, Yang WL, Wang YD, Li P, Gao Y, Huang Q. Investigation of the expression of AIF-mediated apoptosis in Hirschsprung’s disease. Neuroreport, 2017,28(10):571-8. (Corresponding author)
16. Pan W, Yu H, Zheng BJ, Gao Y, Li P, Huang Q, Xie C, Ge X. Upregulation of MiR-369-3p suppresses cell migration and proliferation by targeting SOX4 in Hirschsprung's disease. Journal of pediatric surgery, 2017, 52(8), 1363–1370.
17. Pan WK, Yu H, Wu AL, Gao Y, Zheng BJ, Li P, Yang WL, Huang Q, Wang HJ, Ge X. Combination of basic fibroblast growth factor and epidermal growth factor enhances proliferation and neuronal/glial differential of postnatal human enteric neurosphere cells in vitro. Neuroreport, 2016, 27(11), 858–863.
18. Huang Q, Ge X, Li P, Duan YT, Guo ZT, Zheng BJ, Wu XL, Guo XK, GaoY. Detection of autophagy in Hirschsprung’s disease: implication for its role in aganglionosis. Neuroreport, 2015, 26(17):1044-50.
19. Pan WK, Li P, Guo ZT, Huang Q, Gao Y. Propranolol induces regression of hemangioma cells via the down-regulation of the PI3K/Akt/eNOS/VEGF pathway. Pediatr Blood Cancer. 2015,62(8):1414-20.
20. Yu H, Pan WK, Ge X, Wang H, Huang Q, Chen X, Liu Y, Gao Y. Nontoxicity of lentiviral vector infection to viability, migration, apoptosis, and differentiation of postnatal rat enteric neural crest-derived cells. Neuroreport, 2015, 26(15), 883–889.
21. Huang Q, Chen H, Wang F, Brost BC, Li J, Gao Y, Li Z, Gao Y, Jiang SW. Reduced syncytin-1 expression in placental trophoblasts activates the calpain1-AIF-mediated apoptosis, implication for preeclampsia. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences.2014,71 (16):3151-64.
22. Huang Q, Chen H, Li J, Oliver M, Ma X, Byck D, Gao Y, Jiang SW. Epigenetic and non-epigenetic regulation of syncytin-1 expression in human placenta and cancer tissues. Cellular Signalling, 2014, 26(3): 648-56.
23. Huang Q, Li J, Wang F, Oliver MT, Tipton T, Gao Y, Jiang SW. Syncytin-1 modulates placental trophoblast cell proliferation by promoting G1/S Transition. Cellular Signalling, 2013, 25(4): 1027-1035.
24. Ren J, Singh BN, Huang Q, Li Z, Gao Y, Mishra P, Hwa YL, Li J, Dowdy SC, Jiang SW. DNA hypermethylation as a chemotherapy target. Cellular Signalling, 2011, 23(7):1082-93.